Semuga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas penghulu kami Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan ke atas keluarga serta sahabat2 sekelian dengan bilangan sejumlah makhluk-NYA, kebaikan Arasy-NYA dan tinta kalimat-NYA.
Ya-Allah aku menghadiahkan semua perkongsian keilmuan ini kepada Almarhumah isteriku sayang Zauaurah Binti Apipah.

Kepada tuan/puan yang menjengok blog saya ini, dan nak mengamalkan apa yang telah saya kongsikan, mohon jasabaik hadiahkan Al-Fatihah kepada Almarhumah isteri saya.
JazakAllahu khairan katsira

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Marketing Mix

The marketing mix is probably the most famous phrase in marketing. The elements are the marketing 'tactics'. Also known as the 'four Ps', the marketing mix elements are price, place, product, and promotion. The concept is simple. Think about another common mix - a cake mix. All cakes contain eggs, milk, flour, and sugar. However, you can alter the final cake by altering the amounts of mix elements contained in it. So for a sweet cake add more sugar! It is the same with the marketing mix. The offer you make to you customer can be altered by varying the mix elements. So for a high profile brand increase the focus on promotion and desensitize the weight given to price.

Another way to think about the marketing mix is to use the image of an artisit's palette. The marketer mixs the prime colours (mix elements) in different quantities to deliver a particular final colour. Every hand painted picutre is original in some way, as is every marketing mix. Some commentators will increase the marketing mix to the 'five Ps', to include people. Others will increase the mix to 'Seven Ps', to include physical evidence (such as uniforms, facilities, or livery) and process (i.e. the whole customer experience e.g. a visit the Disney World). The term was coined by Neil H. Borden in his article 'The Concept of the Marketing Mix' in 1965.