Semuga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas penghulu kami Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan ke atas keluarga serta sahabat2 sekelian dengan bilangan sejumlah makhluk-NYA, kebaikan Arasy-NYA dan tinta kalimat-NYA.
Ya-Allah aku menghadiahkan semua perkongsian keilmuan ini kepada Almarhumah isteriku sayang Zauaurah Binti Apipah.

Kepada tuan/puan yang menjengok blog saya ini, dan nak mengamalkan apa yang telah saya kongsikan, mohon jasabaik hadiahkan Al-Fatihah kepada Almarhumah isteri saya.
JazakAllahu khairan katsira

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Supply Chain

  • A supply chain essentially has three main parts, the supply, manufacturing and distribution:
  • The supply side concentrates on how, where from and when raw materials are procured and supplied to manufacturing.
  • Manufacturing converts these raw materials to finished products and
  • Distribution ensures that these finished products reach the final customers through a network of distributors, warehouses and retailers.

Supply Chain

Supply Chain- definition

A set of approaches utilized to efficiently integrate suppliers and clients (comprised of stores, retailers, wholesalers, warehouses and manufacturers) so that merchandise is produced and distributed at the right quantities, to the right locations, at the right time, in order to minimise system wide costs while satisfying service level requests/requirements.