Semuga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas penghulu kami Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan ke atas keluarga serta sahabat2 sekelian dengan bilangan sejumlah makhluk-NYA, kebaikan Arasy-NYA dan tinta kalimat-NYA.
Ya-Allah aku menghadiahkan semua perkongsian keilmuan ini kepada Almarhumah isteriku sayang Zauaurah Binti Apipah.

Kepada tuan/puan yang menjengok blog saya ini, dan nak mengamalkan apa yang telah saya kongsikan, mohon jasabaik hadiahkan Al-Fatihah kepada Almarhumah isteri saya.
JazakAllahu khairan katsira

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Procurement Types.

  1. Direct procurement.
  2. Indirect procurement.

Based on the consumption purposes of the acquired goods and services, procurement activities are often split into two distinct categories.

  • The first category being direct, production-related procurement.
  • The second being indirect, non-production-related procurement.

Procurement Types- Direct Procurement.

Direct procurement occurs in manufacturing settings only.

  • It encompasses all items that are part of finished products, such as raw material, components and parts.
  • Direct procurement, which is the focus in supply chain management, directly affects the production process of manufacturing firms.

Procurement Types-Indirect procurement.

In contrast, indirect procurement activities concern "operating resources" that a company purchases to enable its operations.

It comprises a wide variety of goods and services, from standardized low value items like office supplies and machine lubricants to complex and costly products and services like heavy equipment and consulting services.