Semuga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas penghulu kami Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dan ke atas keluarga serta sahabat2 sekelian dengan bilangan sejumlah makhluk-NYA, kebaikan Arasy-NYA dan tinta kalimat-NYA.
Ya-Allah aku menghadiahkan semua perkongsian keilmuan ini kepada Almarhumah isteriku sayang Zauaurah Binti Apipah.

Kepada tuan/puan yang menjengok blog saya ini, dan nak mengamalkan apa yang telah saya kongsikan, mohon jasabaik hadiahkan Al-Fatihah kepada Almarhumah isteri saya.
JazakAllahu khairan katsira

Friday, January 21, 2011

Message & Media Strategy

An effective communication campaign should comprise of a well thought out message strategy. What message are you trying to put accross to your target audience?. How will you deliver that message? Will it be through the appropiate use of branding? logos or slogan design?. The message should reinforce the benefit of the product and should also help the company in developing the positioning strategy of the product. Companies with effective message strategies include:

Nike: Just do it.

Toyota: The car in front is a Toyota.

Media strategy refers to how the organisation is going to deliver their message. What aspects of the promotional mix will the company use to deliver their message strategy. Where will they promote? Clearly the company must take into account the readership and general behaviour of their target audience before they select their media strategy. What newspapers do their target market read? What TV programmes do they watch? Effective targeting of their media campaign could save the company on valuable financial resources.